Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 Meeting Recap

It was a packed meeting on March 21st!

At Monday's meeting we learned all about the March of Dimes from Ms Steffany. The girls have also decided to help support this great charity by distributing water and snacks for the people who will be marching for babies on April 30th at the St. Pete Times Forum. More details to come but the girls can also assist in raising money or have people they know join the march. The March of Dimes banner to the left can direct you to my team site for more information or click here. If you have any questions relating to the March for Babies contact Ms Steffany.

 The girls also voted on what to spend their cookie money on. The three finalists were:
1. Swim with manatees
2. Busch Gardens
3. Pool Party Pot Luck

We also assigned a little homework due at the Apr 4th meeting
1.Bring a white  t shirt to decorate for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies
2.Be the first to find "Prince Neely the Chihuahua" on our troop blog and be the first to post a comment that you found him and where and win a prize.
3.Choose your charity and tell why you chose it.
4. Bring back the "super secret assignment" Ms Steffany gave you. Don't forget not to tell you know who. (Parents, the girls can explain what this is about but if they forgot feel free to email me.)

Don't Forget:

Anyone who has not turned in their cookie money please do so by Wednesday.

If you did not attend Monday's meeting please bring your encampment money to Ms. Andrea no later than Thursday 24th.

Also, we will not be meeting again before the Princess Pinewood Derby. Since the troop has covered registration for all girls all that we ask is for you to be there on Friday April 1st ready for some fun. If you have any questions about the derby contact Ms Steffany.

2011 Encampment Info

It's time for Encampment! Last years Horseback Riding at Camp Wildwood was Awesome!

This year's Rainbow Service Unit Encampment will be at Camp Dorothy Thomas April 15th to 17th. Below is the info with the itinerary, menu, and packing list. This years price options are as follows:

-Friday to Sunday including Meals, Activities, T-Shirt and patch is $28/girl and $19/adult (Adults can purchase shirts for $7)
-Saturday only with lunch and T-Shirt and patch is $16/girl and adult. (Adults can purchase shirts for $7)
-Saturday and evening with lunch and dinner, T-Shirt and patch is $20/girl and $11/Adult (Adults can purchase shirts for $7)
Saturday to Sunday including meals, activities, T-Shirt and patch is $24/girl and $15/adult (Adults can purchase shirts for $7)
More info about these choices below:
Parents that have been background checked and registered are welcome but the majority will be girl scout troops and their leaders.
Camp Dorothy Thomas isn't far so you will be dropping off your daughter and picking her up. Directions Have been emailed.

Shirt sizes are as follows:
Girls Small 7/, Medium 10/12 and Large 14/16 and Adult Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large
Please send shirt sizes and have registration money in my our meeting on the 21st of March.

2011 Rainbow Encampment information

Day Activity Packing ListBandana(s)
Closed toe, closed heel shoes
(NO sandals, crocs, flip flops)
Cup with handle on a rope or
water bottle on a rope
Insect repellent (NO aerosol sprays)
Poncho/rain gear, as needed
Bathing suit
Small trash bag for wet clothing
Flashlight with extra batteries IF staying for evening activities

Overnight Packing ListDay list PLUS:
Sleeping bag AND pillow
Personal care items (toothbrush & paste, comb, shampoo, soap, etc.)
1 more towel (total of 2) & 1 wash cloth
Clothing appropriate for weather
Extra pair of closed-toed shoes
ONE comfort item (i.e stuffed animal, blankie, etc.)

Optional:  camera, pocket knife
NO candy, gum, snacks or any other food items (they attract bugs & animals)
NO Ipods, DS handheld games, MP3 players, etc.  Cell phones are for emergencies only
Participants are to wear shoes at all times, unless swimming

Friday Night Arrival:
6:00 p.m. – No dinner will be provided; please eat before you arrive. Check in at entrance/equipment shed. 
7:00 p.m.  -  Camp Rock movie at dining hall.
Saturday Day Arrival:
8:15 a.m. – please check-in at entrance/equipment shed
8:45 a.m. – opening/flag ceremony
Saturday Day Departure – by 5:30 p.m.
Saturday Night Program Departure – by 10:00 p.m.
Sunday Departure – by 10:00 a.m.
Please remember to back into all parking spaces. 
Here are carts to help with luggage from the parking area, but please try to pack light.

Encampment will feature Camp Rock themed craft, a dance activity, scavenger hunt, swimming, and archery.  There will be a troop talent contest Sat. evening.  Each troop can have 1 entry, either an entire troop activity, a combination of some troop members, or even a single girl.  A campfire and s’mores will follow, conditions allowing.  Encampment staff will include a Certified Lifeguard, Registered Nurse, cook with full kitchen facilities/dining hall, and Camp Security Ranger. 

Dining Hall Menu:
Friday snack: Popcorn with movie
7:30 a.m. Breakfast-Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, OJ, coffee, can fruit, bananas, hot tea.
Noon Lunch–Spaghetti with meatballs, vegetable, French Bread, salad, brownie, lemonade, and tea. 
5:30 p.m. Dinner–Chicken nuggets, corn, fresh vegetables, cookie, tea and lemonade. 
Sunday: Breakfast-Scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits, OJ, coffee, can fruit.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Troop Schedule & Reminder

Just a reminder...

Our meetings are the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month so our next several months meetings will be at the usual location on
March 21st
April 4th and 18th
May 2nd and 16th

Also please remember that cookie money is all due by the March the 21st.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebrate Girl Scout Week

Celebrate Girl Scout Week with
Girl Scouts of West Central Florida!
March 6-12, 2011

As Girl Scouts across the country celebrate 99 years of community service, we remain committed to helping make the world a better place. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character.
The first Girl Scout Meeting was 99 years ago on March 12th 1912. With 18 girls Juliette Low formed the first troop of Girl Guides. Read More:

Princess Pinewood Derby 2011

At last nights meeting the troop discussed the upcoming Princess Pinewood Derby and each girl was sent home with information on the race.

The race will be held on Friday April 1st from 5:00pm to7:30pm off of Fletcher (location and more information is listed on the fliers the girls received).

All girls said they wanted to participate so all girls at the meeting were given a pinewood car.
The troop has purchased the cars and will pay the registration fee for all girls who will participate. Because of this we ask that if you do not want to participate or can not attend the Derby please let us know as soon as possible so we can return the car and don't pay for the registration.

The girls may enter their car in either the race category where you will need to build your car for speed or they may enter for design. They can not enter more then one car and their car can not compete in both categories.

The girls made their choice about the category and themes already so no changes can be made.

Most of our girls said they would like to enter for design. Those who do enter for design must have their car relate to one of the following themes: Movies, Animals or Girl Scouts.

For the girls who chose to race their cars there are several rules and guidelines that must be followed that will be listed below.

There will be prizes for each age level and also, three design theme prizes. Every participant will receive a special commemorative patch. 

If you do plan to participate you must notify Ms Andrea or myself and leave a comment on this blog.

Service Unit Yahoo Group

Our Girl Scout Troop is part of the Rainbow Service Unit
Now you have a chance to connect with the Rainbow Service Unit on Yahoo Groups.

 sure to check out all the simple (and free) ways to
communicate, share, and discover:
You choose when and how to stay in touch
Swap photos, files, polls, calendars, links, and more with members
Quickly scan new postings and browse detailed message archives
 Plus enjoy many more ways to show and tell - 24/7

So get started. Visit RainbowSU now.*

Vote for your Encampment Shirts!!!

Each year at encampment all girls in our service unit have a chance to vote on a theme. This year the girls choose "Camp Rock".

Once our theme was decided all the girls were given a chance to design a T-Shirt that will be the official "2011 Rainbow Service Unit Encampment" shirt.

Now that the top 5 designs were chosen our girls get to select their favorite. All girls are encouraged to go to this link: and select their favorite design.

Their votes will help select the winner! The 5 designs are below. Voting end in one week!

Troop Trip to Natures Classroom

On Saturday April 10th our girls will have a chance to take a trip to Nature's Classroom for their open house to celebrate Earth Day!

Nature's Classroom is a 365-acre environmental studies program and learning laboratory set in the real Florida environment. Since 1969 more than 328,000 sixth grade students from Hillsborough County Public Schools have experienced Nature's Classroom and now our girls will get to go and learn and explore firsthand!

We plan to meet at Ms Andrea's house at 9:00am and will drive there. More information will be posted as it is received. If you have any questions or would like to confirm or decline your  attendance for this you may contact Andrea or myself and of course post a comment here on the blog.

Camp Wai Lani 2011 Day Camps

Our girls have the opportunity to go to Girl Scout Camp at Camp Wai Lani this summer. Below are all the details. This is not a troop event so no girl is required to go but the girls who have attended these camps in the past have come back raving about them. If you are interested in attending Ms Andrea or I can forward you the email with the registration info. If you have any questions let us know.

Cookie Sales are Rockin!!!

Cookie sales are going great. Our girls and parents have worked very hard to get pre-orders and continue to do well at the cookie booths. Infact I even got an email raving about some of our girls.

At the cookie booth I attended with the girls they dressed up in cookie boxes and sold, sold, sold! And at the cookie booth this past weekend the girls did an amazing job on Saturday morning selling cookies!  People were giving them tips left and right because they were doing such a "great job" and were so "enthusiastic".  They made up some new songs and rhymes and were cheering for cookies.  So a big thanks to our Saturday Sales girls:  Hannah, Emma, Hailey, Gretchen and Brynlie and to all you moms and girls who have been helping with the cookie booths.