Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cookie Sales are Rockin!!!

Cookie sales are going great. Our girls and parents have worked very hard to get pre-orders and continue to do well at the cookie booths. Infact I even got an email raving about some of our girls.

At the cookie booth I attended with the girls they dressed up in cookie boxes and sold, sold, sold! And at the cookie booth this past weekend the girls did an amazing job on Saturday morning selling cookies!  People were giving them tips left and right because they were doing such a "great job" and were so "enthusiastic".  They made up some new songs and rhymes and were cheering for cookies.  So a big thanks to our Saturday Sales girls:  Hannah, Emma, Hailey, Gretchen and Brynlie and to all you moms and girls who have been helping with the cookie booths.

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