Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Princess Pinewood Derby 2011

At last nights meeting the troop discussed the upcoming Princess Pinewood Derby and each girl was sent home with information on the race.

The race will be held on Friday April 1st from 5:00pm to7:30pm off of Fletcher (location and more information is listed on the fliers the girls received).

All girls said they wanted to participate so all girls at the meeting were given a pinewood car.
The troop has purchased the cars and will pay the registration fee for all girls who will participate. Because of this we ask that if you do not want to participate or can not attend the Derby please let us know as soon as possible so we can return the car and don't pay for the registration.

The girls may enter their car in either the race category where you will need to build your car for speed or they may enter for design. They can not enter more then one car and their car can not compete in both categories.

The girls made their choice about the category and themes already so no changes can be made.

Most of our girls said they would like to enter for design. Those who do enter for design must have their car relate to one of the following themes: Movies, Animals or Girl Scouts.

For the girls who chose to race their cars there are several rules and guidelines that must be followed that will be listed below.

There will be prizes for each age level and also, three design theme prizes. Every participant will receive a special commemorative patch. 

If you do plan to participate you must notify Ms Andrea or myself and leave a comment on this blog.

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